The Middle Ages of reason
Ein erfrischender Artikel von Terry Jones (ehemals Monty Pythons) im Observer über seine neue achtteilige Dokumentation Medieval Lives auf BBC2:

The main reason I wanted to make Medieval Lives was to get my own back on the Renaissance. It's not that the Renaissance has ever done me any harm personally, you understand. It's just that I'm sick of the way people's eyes light up when they start talking about the Renaissance. I'm sick of the way art critics tend to say: 'Aaaah! The Renaissance!' with that deeply self-satisfied air of someone who is at last getting down to the Real Thing. And I'm sick to death of that ridiculous assumption that that before the Renaissance human beings had no sense of individuality.

[via Renaissance Weblog]
2004-02-11 01:10, von rotula | |comment | Thema: Mittelalter